Monday, September 15, 2008

Eko Nurhuda Blog - From My Point of view :D is an example of indonesian blog which success getting many loyal reader include me. It's starting when i looking for paid to review information in indonesian languange and i use google to search it, and many article with interesting title about PTR is appeared and it's Yeah, the most article in ekonurhuda is PTR, but it's not strange because actually Eko Nurhuda is PTR activist. There is other article, for example about adsense (and eko said that he not success in adsense yet :D), other blogger like cosa aranda, and many internet business article such ask2link. In, you can also find free e-book. Many people think the "free" one is not good, but you get it wrong when you download for eko e-book titled "Panduan Sponsored Review" or in english is "Sponsored Review Guide", it's complete, eko explain step by step with simple word so we can understand, and the most interesting things is you can get it for FREE...!!!!
Eko blog use widget from o-om, he write it at him blog. It's cool template with tab menu. I also wanna use it.
Ok, my last word is, if you wanna find good article especially about internet business and more especially about PTR, visit EkoNurhuda Blog.

My most favorited that you can find at :
E-book "Panduan Sponsored Review" --> recommended for you who wanna learn about PTR
Antara Pembaca dan Paid Review edisi 1 dan 2 (Between Reader and Paid Review 1 and 2)


  1. Pertamax..!
    Thanks a lot for reviewing my site. Unfortunately, my blog is in Indonesian. So, for you people who don't speak Indonesian, you may abort my blog. :))

  2. can you review my blog

  3. Yes i can review your blog, but please place this blog link in your site first please ;D
